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Neobianacid pediatric 36 sobres granulado 775 mg
Neobianacid pediatric 36 sobres granulado 775 mg
Neobianacid pediatric 36 sobres granulado 775 mg
Producto de Parafarmacia

Neobianacid pediatric 36 sobres granulado 775 mg
1 Unidad
REF.: #151277
IVA incluido
Entrega aproximada en 48 horas

Introducing Neobianacid Pediatric 36 Sobres Granulado 775 mg: The Ultimate Solution for Your Child's Digestive Health Are you tired of seeing your child suffer from digestive discomfort? Look no further – Neobianacid Pediatric is here to save the day! With its powerful formula and convenient packaging, Neobianacid Pediatric is specially designed to provide rapid relief for children's digestive issues.

Each box contains 36 easy-to-use granular sachets, each packed with 775 mg of goodness.

Why choose Neobianacid Pediatric? Let's dive into its remarkable features: 1.

Fast-acting Relief: Neobianacid Pediatric works quickly to soothe your child's tummy troubles.

The powerful combination of natural ingredients, including manuka honey, fig, and lemon balm, helps to calm and soothe the digestive system, ensuring your child feels better in no time.


Gentle on Little Tummies: We understand the importance of gentle care for your child's delicate digestive system.

Neobianacid Pediatric is specifically formulated with children in mind, offering a safe and gentle solution to their digestive discomfort.


Easy-to-Use Granular Format: No more struggling with pills or capsules! Neobianacid Pediatric comes in a convenient granular form, making it easy to administer to your child.

Simply mix the contents of one sachet into water or juice, and your child is good to go.


Trusted Quality: Neobianacid is a trusted brand known for its commitment to excellence.

Each sachet is carefully crafted with the highest quality ingredients, ensuring the utmost effectiveness and safety for your child.


Versatile Usage: Neobianacid Pediatric is not only suitable for digestive discomfort but can also be used to support a healthy stomach lining and provide general stomach protection.

Give your child the relief they deserve with Neobianacid Pediatric 36 Sobres Granulado 775 mg.

Don't let digestive issues hold them back – order your box today and say goodbye to tummy troubles! Remember, a healthy digestive system is vital for your child's overall well-being.

Trust Neobianacid Pediatric to provide the ultimate solution for their digestive health needs.

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